Can You Grow Mushrooms From Dried Mushrooms

Mushroom cultivation has long been a practice intriguing to both hobbyists and professionals. From the vast array of edible, medicinal, and exotic varieties, understanding the life cycle and growth requirements of mushrooms is crucial.

One question that often arises is the potential to grow mushrooms from dried specimens. While dried mushrooms are primarily known for culinary or medicinal use, their role in cultivation is less understood.

We will delve into the possibilities, challenges, and methods associated with using dried mushrooms as a starting point for new growth.

Can You Grow Mushrooms from Dried Mushrooms?

Yes, it’s possible but challenging and not the most reliable method. Mushrooms produce spores, which are equivalent to the seeds of plants.

These spores are used to propagate and grow new mushrooms. When mushrooms are dried for preservation, some spores might remain on or within the dried mushroom tissue.

In theory, if these spores are still viable, they can be used to germinate and grow new mycelium, which can eventually produce mushroom fruit bodies.

However, there are several challenges:

  • Viability of Spores

Over time, especially in non-optimal storage conditions, the spores on dried mushrooms might lose their viability.

  • Contamination

The process of germinating spores and growing mycelium is sensitive to contamination. Dried mushrooms might carry other unwanted microorganisms like molds and bacteria. These contaminants might outcompete the mushroom mycelium or inhibit its growth.

  • Unknown Strains

When using dried mushrooms, especially commercial ones, you might not know the exact strain or species. This uncertainty can make the cultivation process unpredictable.

  • Dormancy

The spores or any residual mycelium on dried mushrooms might be dormant and might require specific conditions to reactivate.

For reliable cultivation, most cultivators prefer using fresh spore prints, spore syringes, or live tissue cultures. However, for experimental purposes or in the absence of other resources, dried mushrooms might offer a starting point.

Basics Of Mushroom Growth

Understanding the basics of mushroom growth is essential for both hobbyists and professionals aiming to cultivate mushrooms, either for culinary, medicinal, or other purposes. Here’s a breakdown of the fundamentals:

Life Cycle Of Mushrooms

  • Spore Germination

The life of a mushroom begins with spores, tiny reproductive cells released by mature mushrooms. Under suitable conditions, these spores germinate, initiating the next phase of growth.

  • Mycelial Growth

The germinated spores produce fine, white, thread-like structures called hyphae. As these hyphae grow and intertwine, they form a network known as mycelium. This is the vegetative growth phase of the fungus, where it absorbs nutrients and expands its biomass.

  • Fruiting Body Formation

Under specific triggers, like changes in temperature, light, or CO2 levels, the mycelium consolidates and produces a fruiting body, which is what most people recognize as a mushroom. This structure is designed to produce and release spores, completing the life cycle.

Necessary Conditions For Growth

  • Substrate

This is the material on which mushrooms grow. Depending on the species, it can be organic materials like wood chips, straw, or grain. The substrate provides essential nutrients for the mushroom.

  • Moisture

Water is vital for the growth and development of mushrooms. The substrate needs to be kept consistently moist (but not waterlogged) to support healthy mycelial expansion and fruiting.

  • Temperature

Different mushroom species have varying temperature requirements. While some thrive in cooler conditions, others prefer warmth. Maintaining an optimal temperature range is crucial.

  • Light

While mushrooms aren’t plants and don’t photosynthesize, light can play a role in their growth. Some species require light to initiate fruiting, while others might not be as dependent.

  • Air Exchange

Mushrooms produce carbon dioxide (CO2) during growth. Excess CO2 can inhibit fruiting, so regular air exchange is necessary to ensure a healthy environment.

Contamination And Competitors

Mushrooms face competition from other microorganisms like molds and bacteria. Maintaining a sterile environment, especially during the initial phases of cultivation, is essential to ensure that the desired mushroom species can flourish without being outcompeted.


Once the mushroom fruiting bodies have matured, they can be harvested. The exact time depends on the species and the purpose (e.g., culinary use, spore collection).

Cultivation Methods

  • Wild Cloning

Taking tissue samples from wild mushrooms to cultivate.

  • Grain-to-Grain Transfer

Using colonized grain to inoculate more grain jars.

  • Spore Syringes

Utilizing a liquid solution of spores to inoculate substrates.

  • Bulk Substrates

Scaling up production by using larger amounts of substrate.

Understanding these basics provides a foundation for successful mushroom cultivation, allowing enthusiasts and professionals to grow a variety of species for diverse applications.

The Principle Behind Using Dried Mushrooms For Cultivation

Using dried mushrooms for cultivation is based on the concept that these mushrooms, despite being dried, might still carry viable spores or even residual mycelium that can be used to germinate and establish a new mycelial culture.

Let’s delve deeper into the underlying principles:

Presence Of Spores

  • Spore Retention

When mushrooms are dried, especially if they’re mature, they might have released spores that adhere to their surfaces or get trapped within the gills or pores.

  • Viability

While drying naturally reduces the viability of many biological structures, some mushroom spores can remain viable for extended periods, even when dried. Their resilience makes them suitable for germination under the right conditions.

Dormant Mycelium

  • Residual Mycelium

Sometimes, dried mushrooms may carry small amounts of mycelium on their stems or caps. This mycelium, though dormant, can be revived under the right conditions.

  • Activation

Dormant mycelium needs specific cues to restart growth. This often includes exposure to moisture, nutrients, and the right temperature.

Genetic Potential

  • Clonal Growth

If the mycelium from a dried mushroom is successfully rejuvenated, the new culture will be genetically identical to the original mushroom. This allows for the potential cultivation of specific strains or phenotypes of interest.

  • Spore Diversity

If spores from a dried mushroom germinate, the resulting mycelium might have genetic variation, as spores contain a mix of genetic material. This can lead to diverse mushroom phenotypes.

Challenges And Considerations

  • Contamination

Dried mushrooms are not sterile. They can harbor mold spores, bacteria, and other contaminants. Using dried mushrooms for cultivation requires careful attention to reduce the risk of contamination.

  • Degradation Over Time

The longer a mushroom has been dried and the less optimal its storage conditions, the lower the likelihood of its spores or residual mycelium being viable.

Application In Cultivation

  • Experimental Value

While not the most reliable method, using dried mushrooms offers a unique experimental approach, especially if fresh materials are unavailable.

  • Diversity Exploration

Cultivating from dried mushroom spores can lead to the discovery of new and unique strains due to genetic variation.

Overall, the principle of using dried mushrooms for cultivation hinges on the resilience and viability of mushroom spores and mycelium, even in a dried state.

With the proper techniques and conditions, these components can be coaxed back to life, paving the way for new mushroom cultures.

Steps To Grow Mushrooms From Dried Specimens

Growing mushrooms from dried specimens can be experimental and challenging, but with the right approach, it’s possible. Here are the general steps involved:

Selection Of Dried Mushrooms

  • No Preservatives

Ensure the dried mushrooms haven’t been treated with preservatives or chemicals that might inhibit growth.

  • Age Matters

Preferably use specimens that haven’t been stored for an overly long time to increase chances of spore viability.


  • Sterile Water

Use sterile or distilled water to rehydrate the dried mushrooms.

  • Soak

Submerge the dried mushrooms in water for several hours, preferably overnight.

Spore Extraction

  • Spore Print

If the dried mushroom still has a cap with visible gill or pore structures, you might try to get a spore print.

Place the cap gill-side/pore-side down on a piece of sterilized foil or paper and leave it for several hours. Remove the cap, and the spores should be left behind as a “print”.

  • Blending Technique

Blend small pieces of the rehydrated mushroom in sterilized water to create a slurry. This slurry might contain spores and tiny bits of mycelium.

Preparing A Suitable Substrate

  • Grain Jars

A common starting substrate is sterilized grain, such as rye berries or wild bird seed, contained in jars.

  • Sterilization

It’s crucial to sterilize the substrate to reduce contamination. This can be done using a pressure cooker.


  • Spore Slurry

Using a sterile syringe, collect the mushroom slurry and inoculate the prepared grain jars by injecting the slurry into them.

  • Spore Print

If using a spore print, you can scrape spores into sterilized water to create a spore syringe, which can then be used to inoculate grain jars.


  • Warm, Dark Place

Keep the inoculated jars in a warm and dark place to encourage mycelial growth. Ideal temperatures usually range between 70°F to 80°F (21°C to 27°C).

  • Monitor

Over time, you should see white mycelial growth expanding in the jars. If other colors like green or black appear, that indicates contamination.

Substrate Colonization

  • Shaking

Once the mycelium has colonized about 20-30% of the grain jar, you can shake it gently to distribute the mycelium, aiding in faster colonization.

  • Full Colonization

Wait until the entire substrate is fully colonized before moving to the next step.

Fruiting Conditions

  • Transfer to Bulk Substrate

Once fully colonized, the grain can be mixed with a bulk substrate (e.g., coco coir, vermiculite, straw) in a larger container.

  • Initiate Fruiting Conditions

This usually involves exposing the substrate to fresh air, cooler temperatures, and light.


Once the mushrooms have fully grown and just before their caps fully uncurl, they are ready to be harvested.

Future Cultivation

  • Cloning

You can take tissue samples from the best-looking mushrooms and use them to create new cultures on agar plates.

  • Spore Collection

Mature mushrooms can be used to make new spore prints for future cultivation.

Remember that patience, sterility, and careful observation are key to succeeding in this endeavor. Given the experimental nature of this method, it might not work on the first try, but perseverance can lead to success.

Challenges And Limitations Of Growing Mushrooms From Dried Specimens

Growing mushrooms from dried specimens presents a unique set of challenges and limitations, some of which are inherent to the nature of dried materials, while others arise from the broader complexities of mushroom cultivation. Here’s a breakdown:

Viability Of Spores And Mycelium

  • Degradation Over Time

The longer a mushroom is dried and stored, the more the viability of its spores and any residual mycelium decreases.

  • Storage Conditions

Dried mushrooms kept in humid, hot, or light-exposed conditions may have reduced spore viability.

Contamination Risks

  • Presence of Competing Organisms

Dried mushrooms aren’t sterile. They can contain mold spores, bacteria, and other potential contaminants.

  • Challenge of Sterilization

It’s difficult to fully sterilize dried mushroom samples without also destroying the desired spores or mycelium.

Genetic Variability

  • Unpredictable Strains

If the mushroom spores germinate, the resulting cultures can exhibit significant genetic variability. This unpredictability can affect the morphology, growth rate, and other characteristics of the resulting mushrooms.

  • Unknown Origins

Commercially available dried mushrooms might not provide information about their exact strain or species, making cultivation results uncertain.

Dormancy Issues

  • Reviving Dormant Mycelium

Any residual mycelium on dried mushrooms might be in a deep state of dormancy and might require specific conditions to reawaken. There’s no guarantee that this will occur successfully.

Efficiency And Yield

  • Lower Success Rates

Given the challenges, the success rate of cultivating mushrooms from dried specimens is generally lower than using fresh spore prints or live cultures.

  • Reduced Yields

Even if cultivation is successful, the yields might be lower compared to mushrooms grown from more conventional methods.

Economic And Time Constraints

  • Resource Intensive

Given the experimental nature and lower success rates, trying to grow mushrooms from dried specimens can be more resource-intensive in terms of time, effort, and materials.

  • Longer Waiting Periods

The period between inoculation and visible mycelial growth might be longer due to the challenges of reviving dormant structures.

Limited Species Availability

  • Commercial Limitations

Not all mushroom species are commonly available in dried form, limiting the range of species that can be experimented with.

  • Specific Species Challenges

Some species might be more resilient and adaptable to being cultivated from dried forms, while others might be nearly impossible to grow this way.

While the idea of cultivating mushrooms from dried specimens is intriguing and offers a unique avenue for experimentation, it’s essential to be aware of the numerous challenges and limitations. Success often requires a combination of skill, patience, knowledge, and sometimes, a bit of luck.


Cultivating mushrooms from dried specimens presents an interesting yet challenging approach within the realm of mycology.

While the idea hinges on the resilience of mushroom spores and mycelium, several factors, including spore viability, contamination risks, and genetic variability, can affect outcomes.

Despite the hurdles, this method offers a unique experimental avenue for enthusiasts. The world of mushroom cultivation is vast, and while dried specimens are a niche facet, they underscore the adaptability and wonder of fungi.

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