How To Get Rid Of Ground Moles With Marshmallows (7 Easy Steps)

How To Get Rid Of Ground Moles With Marshmallows

When it comes to maintaining a healthy, aesthetic lawn or garden, ground moles can be a real nuisance.

These subterranean creatures are known for their extensive tunneling, which can ruin a beautiful landscape, damage plant roots, and create unsightly mounds of dirt.

There are numerous methods available to manage these pests, from traditional trapping and professional exterminators to the introduction of predators and various DIY strategies.

However, among these, an unconventional yet non-toxic method has garnered attention for its simplicity and effectiveness.

This guide will focus on exploring “how to get rid of ground moles with marshmallows,” a surprising, yet potentially useful tactic that might be the answer to your mole-related problems.

Understanding Ground Moles

Ground moles, or simply moles, are small mammals known for their subterranean lifestyle. They belong to the family Talpidae, which includes more than 40 species across various regions.

These creatures are characterized by their cylindrical bodies, velvety fur, tiny or invisible eyes, and paddle-like forelimbs that are well-adapted for burrowing.

Moles live almost entirely underground, in a vast network of tunnels and chambers. They are solitary animals, each living within its own set of burrows.

They feed primarily on invertebrates that inhabit soil, including earthworms and grubs. However, their diet can also include other small animals, plants, and nuts.

Despite their small size, moles have a large appetite and can consume up to 100% of their body weight in food each day.

While these creatures play a vital role in the ecosystem by aerating the soil and controlling harmful insect populations, they can cause substantial damage to gardens and lawns through their tunneling activities.

This burrowing can lead to the formation of molehills, or small mounds of soil, which can be unsightly and damaging to turf and plants.

Moles are notoriously hard to detect and control because they spend most of their life underground.

However, by understanding their biology, habitat, and behavior, homeowners can effectively implement strategies to manage and mitigate the damage caused by these creatures.

One such surprising strategy is the use of marshmallows, a method we will delve into in this guide.

Recognizing Signs Of Ground Moles

Before embarking on a mole control strategy, it’s essential to confirm that moles are indeed the culprits causing damage to your lawn or garden. There are several distinctive signs that you are dealing with a mole infestation.


Perhaps the most identifiable sign of a mole infestation is the presence of molehills. These are small mounds of loose soil that appear above the surface as a result of the mole’s tunneling activities.

Molehills usually have a volcano-like structure and can range in size. The presence of these mounds is a clear indication that moles are active in the area.

Surface Tunnels Or Runways

Surface tunnels or runways are another common sign of mole activity. These appear as raised ridges in your lawn or garden, resulting from moles tunneling just below the surface.

The tunnels may look like veins running through your yard and are often visible after a mole has passed through the area.

Damaged Plants And Uprooted Seedlings

Moles can damage plants and seedlings by disturbing the soil around their roots, causing them to become loose or uprooted.

If you notice plants wilting or dying without any apparent disease or pest issues, it might be a result of mole activity.

Other Signs

Some additional signs of mole presence might include an unusually soft lawn, which could be due to extensive underground tunneling, or the presence of more insects and pests attracted to the disrupted soil.

It’s important to remember that while these signs often point to a mole infestation, other animals, such as voles or gophers, can also cause similar damage.

Proper identification is essential to ensure that you’re dealing with moles and that the control strategy you choose will be effective.

Various Methods To Control Moles

When it comes to controlling moles, various strategies can be employed depending on the severity of the infestation, your budget, the area affected, and personal preferences.

Here are some common methods used to manage and control moles:

Traditional Traps

Mole trapping is a traditional and often very effective method for controlling moles.

There are several types of traps, such as scissors, harpoon, or choker traps, which can be placed into active mole tunnels. However, setting traps requires some knowledge and skill to be effective.

Professional Exterminator Services

For severe infestations, hiring a professional exterminator can be an effective solution. Pest control professionals have the expertise and equipment to deal with mole infestations quickly and efficiently.

Natural Predators

Another approach to control moles is to encourage their natural predators in your yard. These include snakes, hawks, owls, and even domestic cats. This is a more indirect approach and may have mixed results.


There are various commercially available repellents, both natural and synthetic, that can deter moles.

These can be sprayed or sprinkled in the affected areas. However, their effectiveness can vary and often requires repeated applications.

Poison Baits

Poisonous baits resembling worms or grubs can be used to control moles. However, these must be used with extreme caution, as they can be harmful or deadly to other animals and pets.

Ultrasonic Devices

Some homeowners use ultrasonic devices, which emit a high-frequency sound that is said to deter moles. However, scientific support for these devices is limited, and they may not always yield the desired results.

DIY Methods

There are numerous DIY methods that homeowners use to control moles, often involving common household items. One such method, which we’ll explore in detail, involves using marshmallows to get rid of moles.

Each of these methods has its pros and cons, and the most effective method will often depend on individual circumstances.

Always consider the potential impact on the environment and other wildlife when deciding on a mole control strategy.

Marshmallows As A Mole Control Method

Marshmallows might seem like an odd choice for mole control, but this method has been gaining popularity due to its non-toxic nature and ease of implementation.

While not a traditional pest control method, using marshmallows can be an effective way to deter moles from your yard or garden.

Why Marshmallows Are Effective

Moles are attracted to the sweet smell and taste of marshmallows. Once they eat the marshmallow, it expands in their stomach, causing discomfort and prompting them to leave the area in search of a more suitable food source.

Moreover, since marshmallows are not poisonous, they pose no risk to other wildlife, pets, or children.

Benefits Of The Marshmallow Method

Besides being non-toxic, using marshmallows is also inexpensive and straightforward. You do not need any specialized equipment or knowledge to use this method.

Moreover, marshmallows are readily available in most supermarkets, making them a convenient choice for many homeowners.

Other Non-toxic Household Bait Options

In addition to marshmallows, other non-toxic household items can also be used as mole bait. These include chewing gum and certain types of soft candy.

Like marshmallows, these items can cause discomfort in moles, encouraging them to leave your property.

It’s important to remember that using marshmallows or other household items for mole control is not a guaranteed solution.

The success of these methods can vary based on numerous factors, such as the size of the mole population, the availability of other food sources, and the time of year.

However, when used correctly, these methods can help reduce mole activity and limit the damage they cause to your yard or garden.

Preparing To Use Marshmallows

Before using marshmallows as a mole control method, it’s important to make necessary preparations to increase the chances of success.

Here are some steps to follow when preparing to use marshmallows:

Choose The Right Type of Marshmallows

Opt for regular-sized marshmallows rather than mini marshmallows. The larger size ensures that they will be more appealing to moles and can potentially cause discomfort when consumed.

Safety Considerations

When dealing with moles, it’s important to protect yourself. Wear gloves to prevent direct contact with the marshmallows or any soil that may be contaminated with mole droppings. Additionally, wash your hands thoroughly after handling marshmallows.

Tools And Materials

While this method doesn’t require specialized tools, you may find the following items useful:

  • Trowel or small shovel

This will help you dig into mole tunnels to place the marshmallows effectively.

  • Mole-specific probe

A probe can help you locate active mole tunnels by gently probing the ground and feeling for any soft spots or collapses.

Familiarize Yourself With Active Mole Tunnels

Look for signs of mole activity, such as molehills or surface tunnels, to determine where to place the marshmallows.

Active tunnels are more likely to yield positive results. Avoid blocking or damaging these tunnels, as moles will simply create new ones.


Moles are most active during the spring and fall when they are actively foraging and building tunnels. Choose a time when mole activity is at its peak for better chances of attracting them to the marshmallows.

By taking these preparation steps, you will be ready to effectively implement the marshmallow mole control method.

Proper preparation increases the likelihood of success and ensures your safety while dealing with mole infestations.

How To Get Rid Of Ground Moles With Marshmallows

Implementing the marshmallow mole control method involves the strategic placement of marshmallows in active mole tunnels.

Follow these steps to maximize the effectiveness of this approach:

Locate The Active Mole Tunnels

Identify areas in your yard or garden where mole activity is evident. Look for signs such as molehills, surface tunnels, or damaged plants.

Gently probe the ground with a mole-specific probe or your fingers to locate soft spots or collapses, indicating active tunnels.

Prepare The Marshmallows

Use regular-sized marshmallows for this method. Prepare an adequate quantity of marshmallows based on the extent of mole activity and the number of active tunnels. You may need several marshmallows to place in different tunnels.

Dig Into The Active Tunnels

With a trowel or small shovel, carefully dig into the active mole tunnels.

You want to create a small hole in the tunnel to place the marshmallows without collapsing the tunnel completely. The hole should be deep enough to securely hold the marshmallow.

Place Marshmallows In The Tunnels

Drop one or more marshmallows into each active tunnel. Ensure that the marshmallows are deep enough inside the tunnel to prevent them from being easily detected or removed by moles.

Be cautious not to block the tunnel completely, as moles may simply dig around the marshmallows.

Cover The Tunnel Openings

Gently cover the tunnel openings with soil or sod to restore the appearance of the area. This step is essential to maintain the integrity of the tunnel and prevent detection by moles or other animals.

Monitor Mole Activity

Regularly inspect the tunnels and surrounding areas to monitor mole activity. Look for signs of disturbance, such as displaced soil or marshmallow remnants.

If the marshmallows have disappeared or the tunnels show signs of continued activity, it may be necessary to reapply the marshmallow bait or consider alternative control methods.

Practice Safety Measures

Always remember to wear gloves when handling marshmallows or coming into contact with mole tunnels. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling marshmallows to prevent any potential transmission of disease.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can effectively utilize marshmallows as a mole control method.

However, it’s important to note that success rates may vary, and persistence may be necessary to achieve desired results.

What To Expect And Possible Outcomes

Using marshmallows as a mole control method can yield different outcomes depending on various factors. Here’s what you can expect and some possible outcomes when implementing this approach:

Mole Response

Moles may exhibit different responses to the presence of marshmallows.

Some moles may be attracted to the marshmallows, consume them, and experience discomfort or digestive issues due to the expanding marshmallows.

This discomfort may deter moles from further tunneling in the treated areas. Other moles may simply avoid the marshmallows altogether.

Reduction In Mole Activity

In some cases, the presence of marshmallows in active mole tunnels can lead to a reduction in mole activity over time.

As moles associate the discomfort caused by the marshmallows with your yard or garden, they may choose to search for food and create new tunnels elsewhere. This can result in a decrease in mole damage and a more mole-free environment.

Variable Success Rates

The effectiveness of the marshmallow method can vary depending on the mole population, the availability of alternative food sources, and the overall attractiveness of your yard or garden.

It’s important to note that no control method guarantees 100% eradication of moles, and some level of mole activity may persist even after using marshmallows.

Patience And Persistence

Achieving successful mole control with marshmallows requires patience and persistence. It may take time for moles to discover the marshmallows and experience discomfort.

Continuous monitoring and reapplication of marshmallows may be necessary to maintain the deterrent effect.

Consideration Of Alternative Methods

If the marshmallow method does not yield satisfactory results or if mole activity persists, it may be necessary to explore other mole control methods.

This could include professional pest control services, alternative trapping techniques, or landscape modifications to deter moles.

It’s important to remember that every yard and mole infestation is unique. While marshmallows can be an effective and non-toxic option for mole control, individual results may vary.

It’s advisable to remain patient, observe the outcomes, and be open to trying alternative methods if necessary.

Alternatives To Marshmallows

If you’re considering alternative options to control moles, there are several non-toxic and traditional methods that you can explore.

Here are some alternatives to using marshmallows for mole control:

Chewing Gum

Chewing gum can be used as a mole repellent similar to marshmallows. Place pieces of chewing gum in the active mole tunnels.

When moles consume the gum, it can cause blockages in their digestive system, leading to discomfort and deterring them from staying in the area.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is a natural repellent that can be effective in deterring moles. Mix castor oil with water according to the product instructions and spray it onto the affected areas of your yard or garden. The strong scent and taste of castor oil can make the soil less attractive to moles.

Vibrating Mole Repellers

Vibrating mole repellers are devices that emit vibrations into the ground, simulating the presence of predators and creating an inhospitable environment for moles.

These devices are usually battery-operated and can be inserted into the ground near active mole tunnels.

Mole Traps

Traditional mole traps, such as scissor traps or harpoon traps, can be effective in physically capturing moles.

These traps are designed to be placed in active mole tunnels, and when triggered, they capture the mole alive for relocation or euthanization, depending on local regulations.

Professional Pest Control Services

If mole infestation persists or becomes overwhelming, seeking professional pest control services can be a viable option.

Pest control experts have the knowledge, experience, and equipment to assess the extent of the infestation and implement effective control measures tailored to your specific situation.

Landscape Modifications

Modifying your landscape can help deter moles from your property. Consider creating physical barriers, such as installing underground fences made of mesh or wire to prevent moles from accessing certain areas.

Additionally, maintaining a well-drained and aerated lawn can make the soil less attractive to moles.

When exploring alternative mole control methods, it’s important to consider the specific needs and characteristics of your yard, as well as any local regulations or restrictions on pest control practices.

Experimenting with different strategies may be necessary to find the most effective solution for your mole infestation.

Prevention Measures

Implementing preventive measures can help minimize the risk of mole infestations and reduce the likelihood of damage to your yard or garden. Here are some preventive measures you can take:

Maintain A Healthy Lawn

A healthy and well-maintained lawn is less appealing to moles. Proper lawn care practices, including regular mowing, fertilizing, and watering, can promote dense grass growth and discourage moles from tunneling through the area.

Reduce Moisture Levels

Moles are attracted to moist soil, as it makes digging easier for them. Ensure proper drainage in your yard to prevent water from pooling and creating damp areas that attract moles. Fix any leaks or irrigation issues promptly.

Modify The Soil

Moles prefer loose, easy-to-dig soil. Consider compacting the soil in your yard by rolling or tamping it periodically.

This can make it more difficult for moles to create tunnels and discourage them from choosing your yard as their habitat.

Remove Food Sources

Moles primarily feed on invertebrates like earthworms and grubs.

Reduce the availability of these food sources by controlling lawn pests through organic pest management methods or using nematodes, beneficial insects, or natural pest control products. This can make your yard less attractive to moles.

Install Barriers

Physical barriers can be effective in preventing moles from accessing specific areas of your yard.

Install an underground barrier made of mesh or wire around vulnerable areas like gardens or flower beds to deter moles from tunneling into them.

Natural Repellents

There are natural mole repellents available that use strong scents or tastes to deter moles. Examples include castor oil, garlic, or plants like daffodils, marigolds, or alliums.

Planting these repellent plants strategically or applying natural repellents can help create an unfavorable environment for moles.

Regular Monitoring

Regularly inspect your yard for signs of mole activity, such as molehills or surface tunnels. Early detection allows you to take prompt action to control mole populations before they cause extensive damage.

By implementing these preventive measures, you can reduce the attractiveness of your yard to moles and minimize the risk of mole infestations.

It’s important to remember that no prevention method is foolproof, but a combination of strategies can significantly decrease the chances of mole-related problems.


Controlling ground moles can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, it is possible to mitigate their presence and minimize the damage they cause to your yard or garden.

While traditional trapping, professional pest control services, and natural methods have been commonly used, the marshmallow method offers an unconventional yet non-toxic approach to mole control.

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